Inclusive Journalism course for young Moroccan journalists

Date:  2-4 November 2009

Region/Country: Morocco

Young journalists in Morocco will be trained in inclusive journalism, by Richard Cookson, a journalist working for UK TV Channel 4, and Moroccan journalist Mounia Belafia, who contributes to France 24. Topics to be discussed include: the importance of giving voices to all segments of society, not only the mainstream; the importance of alternative sources (not only official ones); basic principles of reporting diversity; managing prejudice, avoiding stereotypes and the use of language; and the importance of building bridges with civil society.

The workshop forms part of the Young Reporters’ Diversity Network segment of the Media Diversity Institute’s 2-year training programme, designed to promote inclusive journalism in Morocco. The workshop is supported by the UK Embassy in Rabat.

For more info and to apply for the course contact: