Leicester Multicultural Advisory Group and the Media

Keywords: UK, media relations, campaign, initiative, discrimination, media campaign, project, newspaper, print, community cohesion, advisory group

The Leicester Multicultural Advisory Group was formed to respond to and discuss any issues that might threaten “the continuing development of a truly multicultural society in Leicester” in the UK and to “identify what measures, if any, could be taken to counter or lessen the impact of such threats, both in the short and long term.” The group is made up of executives and leaders of the local community, the police, council members, faith organisations and the media. The media inform the discussion and, in turn, the other panel members inform the media. This means that the media support community cohesion projects, building bridges between diverse groups of people. Since 2001 the LMAG initiated the Leicester Electoral Compact. This involves all major local political party leaders publicly signing a document indicating their refusal to allow race to become an issue in their campaigns. Such a public display of inclusion has had a deep impact on race relations in Leicester. The media also play their role, giving limited coverage to any politician who will not sign the Compact.

Click here for an information sheet on the initiative