Past Projects
Media Diversity Institute works on projects that promote media and information literacy, better representation of minority groups in the media and combat disinformation around the world.
Indonesia: Reporting Diversity Network
A study of the media diversity situation in Indonesia to make an assessment as to whether MDI's work would be useful and cost-effective in that country. If the assessment indicates that MDI can play an effective and meaningful role in Indonesia, further consultation with potential beneficiaries will culminate in the preparation of a media diversity project for the region. The aims of this project is to find out what are the media diversity issues and problems if any that need...
Southeastern Europe: Joint Project for Journalists
Part of the Royaumont process, key aims of this project were to support ethical conduct; promote diversity within media; encourage co-operation and solidarity among journalists; and to raise awareness of the principles of tolerance. The aims of this project were to produce a reporting diversity page in the project’s regular newsletter the Royaumont News Line; to provide a list of contacts available on the Royaumont Media News Website; to provide online information on diversity issues and to produce a journalism...
Media Solidarity Programme: The Reporting Diversity Network
A project to support understanding, tolerance and respect among different nationalities and minorities. It aimed to support independent and reliable journalism in the target countries by providing emergency assistance to journalists and media organisations, as well as supporting conflict resolution and co-operation between media centres in the region. The project consisted of the following parts: Creation of media solidarity centres within existing media organisations in Albania, Macedonia and Serbia; Emergency assistance for Kosovar journalists returning home from Albania, Macedonia and...
Latvia and Romania: Reducing Ethnic Tensions
Media in both Latvia and Romania were assisted to help diminish tensions within their ethnically divided countries by strengthening the capabilities of these news organizations to distribute more in-depth, balanced, and pluralistic reports. Those objectives were to enable media to promote greater popular understanding of human rights, to support greater understanding among all ethnic groups of the social, political, and economic concerns within each community. Through cross-ethnic initiatives, MDI aimed to build constructive and influential relationships between journalists and news...