This 14-month project strives to engage Europeans – especially young people – in activities that monitor antisemitic speech and incidents in Europe and counter these incidents and attitudes with fact-based messages and actions of inclusion that embrace Europe’s diversity.
The aims of this project are to raise awareness of and counter antisemitic incidents, speech and politics; promote accurate, balanced and inclusive messages about Jews that counter misinformation spread by extremist discourse; involve young people in the social media sphere in being aware of antisemitism, in discussing and promoting a culture of respect, and to test out arguments against anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Key Activities:
- Media Monitoring: Monitoring of traditional and new media will uncover antisemitic acts and speech by public and other figures.
- Mechanisms to Publicize Complaints: When project’s monitoring efforts detect antisemitic content in the media, the partners will expose and counter using the most appropriate mechanisms – letters to the editor, posts on Facebook, Twitter, blogs on the given organization’s site, and complaints to regulatory bodies.
- Satirical Cartoons and Posters: Findings from the media monitoring will provide grist for cartoons and posters to counter antisemitic speech to expose false claims and lies.
- Radio/Video Story Production: Videos and radio pieces will be critical of antisemitism or will mark Holocaust-related events.
- Theatre plays and film screening: Theatre plays focused on combating antisemitism will be labelled under the project name and companies helped to perform in alternative places such as in high schools. Under a partnership with cinemas conferences and video-projections of movies will raise awareness on antisemitic speech.
- Social Media Strategy: A project-dedicated website and social media platforms will be developed, while the program partners will use their websites, Facebook and Twitter pages to push out the program’s media products and launch discussion and conversation about combating antisemitism. The social media presence will appeal to the project’s target audience and help us reach our goal of engaging at least 1,500 young people in combating antisemitic activities.
Region/Country: Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, UK
Timeframe/dates: 2015 – 2016
Partners: The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe (CEJI), Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme (Licra), Symbiosis, The Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), and with the support of the Council of Europe.