Event date: 10 December 2010
The Media Diversity Institute, London, in partnership with the Nawafid Review, Morocco, awarded six journalists the ‘Inclusive Journalism Award’ on 10 December 2010, in Rabat, Morocco. The stories awarded tackled issues in Morocco such as homosexuality, sexual harassment of women, how society treats people with leprosy and mental illness, the employment of children, and the lives of sub-Saharan ethnic minorities.
The ‘Inclusive Journalism Award’ honoured the best stories produced and broadcast or published by the 60 or sojournalists who received training during the ‘Inclusive Journalism’ project in Morocco, 2009-2010, run by the Media Diversity Institute and funded by the British Embassy in Rabat.
The ceremony for the award took place on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, which for 2010 had the theme ‘human rights defenders who act to end discrimination’, and was opened by the British Ambassador to Morocco Mr Timothy Morris.
The aim of the ‘Inclusive Journalism’ project was to create a space in the Moroccan media for diverse, marginalised and unheard voices in the society, by encouraging a culture of responsible and inclusive journalism among media professionals.
Awarded journalists were: Abdessamad Jatiou, Fatouma Naimi, Fatima Zahra Basghir, Amine Benhada, Hafida Taib, Touria Lamaares.