Published: 6 December 2011
Region: EU & Worldwide
The Romedia Foundation is a Roma non-governmental organization based in Budapest, Hungary, working to contribute to a positive perception of Romani ethnic identity, combat anti-Romani prejudice and provide alternative information to policy makers on Roma through the production of films and videos, international multi-media campaigns and public events.
It uses the most up-to-date digital filming technologies in a creative way to obtain ground-breaking quality in video production and a new approach to the way minorities are represented that promotes the potential of reconciliation and acceptance of a diversity of ideas.
If a humane representation of a nearly 12 million strong population of Roma, shown by researchers to be the most negatively portrayed minority in Europe, cannot take shape, then the consequences for a world in economic and social turmoil could well be devastating.
The Romedia Foundation was founded in 1992 and has since sought to make use of television broadcasting, publishing and the opportunities offered by the multi-media digital technology to disseminate an insider’s viewpoint on Roma issues, promote the self-representation and empowerment of Romani activists and challenge centuries-old prejudices about Roma.
Click here to visit The Romedia Foundation’s website