“Do the media help fight Radicalism?” – Cairo roundtable

Date: 1 February 2010

Location: Cairo, Egypt

As a response to a recent religious incident in Cairo, the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) is organising a roundtable to offer the media and freedom of religion thinkers, international and local, a possibility for dialogue on the role of the media in fighting religious radicalism. Two leading British experts will share their thoughts on extremism versus pluralism and journalists’ do’s and don’ts:  Ghaffar Hussain of the Quilliam Foundation www.quilliamfoundation.org and Paresh Solanki – the Council of Europe’s media expert and MDI Trustee. Egyptian speakers to be confirmed.

The roundtable is part of a broader International Religious Freedom programme, run by a consortium made up of Freedom House  www.freedomhouse.org, MDI and The Becket Fund www.becketfund.org.

For an overview of the facts of the shooting in Nag Hammadi which happened during the Coptic Christmas celebrations, please check the following report published on the Arab West Report: http://www.arabwestreport.info/HotNews.php?NId=202

For more information on the round table, please contact: doaa.abdelaal@media-diversity.org.