Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

Mental Health: How Do We Avoid Stigmatisation and Normalisation?
Caroline Flack’s suicide sent shockwaves across the UK, reigniting a debate about how the covers suicide and mental health. Does the media examine these issues with sensitivity? Or does it further the stigma of mental illness, complicating the media’s potential...

Coronavirus: Keeping the “Infodemic” in Check
The Coronavirus is at the top of the news agenda around the world.

Is Hate Speech Driving Celebrities Off Twitter?
By: Mikhail Yakovlev What does this mean for the platform’s role in artistic creation and freedom of expression? Earlier this …

Press Harassment, IPSO’s Ineffectiveness, and Why We’re No Closer ...
What is freedom of expression? When is bullying someone in the public interest? The ethics, culture and practices of the …

Digital Transformation and Media Diversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin
In this day and age, media outlets are frantically trying to navigate the digital transformation—the pivot to video, the shift …

Rough Sleepers, Faceless Statistics and Misperceptions: How the Media ...
If the media reframed homelessness, could the readers who have been lucky enough not to have a personal connection to homelessness be more sympathetic?

Training: Helping Journalists Make Youth Voices Mainstream
Training: 27 – 29 February 2020 Country: Serbia Youth rarely feel represented in the media, and youth from marginalised communities …

Religion in the Balkan Media Landscape: Forgotten Nuance
By Jelena Jorgačević Kisić As Serbian journalist Borivoj Erdeljan mentioned in the recent debate about the Churches under Communism in former Yugoslavia, …

MLADI: “Youth in the Media Mirror”
By: Ivana Jelača In Serbia, youth portals are the most likely to report about marginalised communities, and include more women …

Disability in the Media: Mirroring Perceptions
People with disabilities are consistently pushed to the back of the media agenda in North Macedonia. In the rare occasion that …