Inclusive Journalism course for Moroccan journalists

Date: 18-20 February 2010

Location: Tangier, Morocco

Young journalists in Morocco will be trained in inclusive journalism, by Richard Cookson, a journalist working for UK TV Channel 4, and Dr Abdelauahab Errami, a Moroccan journalism expert and professor at ISIC.

Topics to be discussed include: the importance of giving voices to all segments of society, not only the mainstream; the importance of alternative sources (not only official ones); basic principles of reporting diversity; managing prejudice, avoiding stereotypes and the use of language; and the importance of building bridges with civil society.

The workshop forms part of the Young Reporters’ Diversity Network segment of the Media Diversity Institute’s two year training programme, designed to promote inclusive journalism in Morocco. The workshop is supported by the UK Embassy in Rabat.

For more information and to apply for the course contact: