One World Media Awards 2011

Deadline: 7 February 2011owm

Region: UK & Developing world

This year’s One World Media Awards will for the first time include Student Awards which will recognise the outstanding contributions made by the future generation of media professionals in the UK. The deadline for entries in all 13 categories is 7 February 2011.

All entries should be concerned with some aspect of social, political or cultural life in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East or the Post-Soviet states.

This year also sees a change in the Radio Award and Television Award categories, now open to any content about the developing world that is 30 minutes or less, including news reports and current affairs programmes.

All documentaries of 30 minutes or over should now be entered under the Documentary Award category.

The Drama Award is now open to both radio and television dramas of at least 30 minutes in duration.

The Press Award recognises the best print coverage of the developing world, including specialist pieces on topics such as sport, music, women’s interest, food and health.

Click here for more information on the awards and how to apply.