Published: 17 May 2011
Region: Philippines & Worldwide
Richard Cookson, one of Media Diversity Institute (MDI)’s trainers received an award for a film from Channel 4’s series “Unreported World: Philippines – The City With Too Many People” together with reporter Jenny Kleeman.
Manila is one of the world’s most overpopulated cities. Reporter Jenny Kleeman and director Richard Cookson found the Philippine capital stretched to a breaking point, with mothers four to a bed in maternity wards, primary schools with a thousand children in each year, and graveyards with no more room to bury the dead.
The jury said:
“In the end, this film stood out as a result of the skill of the director in conveying a genuinely visceral sense of what everyday life was like for the citizens of Manila, capital of the Philippines and one of the world’s most overcrowded cities. By giving a human face to one of the most important issues in the developing world, this film made a genuine effort to reach a broader television audience.”
Further reading:
Here for full awarding letter by the jury
Click here for the original article from OneWorldMedia