Keywords: UK, media relations, campaign, initiative, discrimination, media campaign, project, website, Refugees, Asylum seekers, guidelines
The Refugees, Asylum-seekers & the Media (RAM) Project’s focus was to promote fair and accurate representation of asylum-seekers and refugees by highlighting media misrepresentation, challenging the racist overtones that became associated with the use of terms such as ‘asylum-seeker’ and ‘refugees’, particularly after the ‘War on Terror’ began, and empowering members of refugee communities to engage with the media. Exiled journalists, refugees and asylum seekers were involved in all aspects of the project from its advisory board to staff (as researchers, trainers and editors). Activities included: the creation of a website and a monthly e-bulletin as a source of information for activists, refugee groups and media contacts in the United Kingdom and Europe; use-of-the-media training and networking events; and collaborative production of guidelines for media professionals on how to report on asylum and refugee issues.
Click here for an information sheet on the initiative