Event date: October/ November 2012
Region: Worldwide
Radio for Peacebuilding is offering two workshops for radio producers/journalists/talkshow hosts/drama writers on: ‘Radio Talkshows for Peacebuilding’ and ‘Radio Soap Opera for Peacebuilding’.
The workshops will be highly interactive and will be led by Francis Rolt.
Francis has fourteen years’ experience in the field and is an internationally reknowned radio for peacebuilding trainer and mentor. He has worked in over 25 different countries, and has trained in excess of 500 radio producers, talkshow hosts, journalists and writers in different aspects of peacebuilding radio.
He has trained for, amongst others, the Carter Center, Search for Common Ground, Equal Access, the UN, Media for Development, the Media Diversity Institute and iMedia.
For more information on how to apply for workshops click here.