Plural+ 2012 Awards

Date: 6 December 2012

Country: US, New York

plural_plus_awardsThe winners of PLURAL+ 2012 competition will be publicly announced at the Awards Ceremony on December 6 at the Paley Center for Media in New York. PLURAL + is a youth-produced video festival which encourages young people to explore migration, diversity and social inclusion, and to share their creative vision with the world.

With over 150 videos from 54 countries from around the world, youth filmmakers from Australia, Cameroon, France, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Canada and other countries will be honored at this year’s PLURAL+ awards ceremony.

Jiani Tang, an entrant in this year’s festival said: “I feel so grateful (that PLURAL+) provided me with a platform to express myself through video and has given me this opportunity to challenge myself to do a thing that I had never tried before”.

Recognizing youth as powerful agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, cultural and religious divisions, PLURAL+ supports youth in addressing the key challenges of their communities related to migration, diversity and social inclusion.

PLURAL + is a joint initiative between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for Migration, with a network of over 50 partner organizations, who support the creative efforts of young people and distribute their videos worldwide.

Since 2009 over 400 entries from 63 countries have participated. Winning videos have been screened in dozens of festivals, cinemas and broadcast on television networks throughout the world. With your help, we hope to widen the impact of PLURAL+ even further.

To watch the winning videos in 2011, click here.

For more information on Plural+, click here.

PLURAL+ International Jury member, Valentí Gómez i Oliver, points: “I would like to put emphasis in the originality of both, form and subject, of PLURAL + videos; as well as the ethical sense that PLURAL+ gives to the young video makers.”

Mariana Araujo, another International Jury member comments: For me PLURAL + is the best link between intercultural dialogue and intergenerational justice. I can’t imagine a better way to understand the other but through their own eyes and listen with their ears. With these videos I could internalize their emotions and realities through their stories”.