Dates: 2013-2016
Country: Morocco
Media Diversity Institute (MDI) has been working in Morocco since 2009. In order to keep promoting and cementing the practices of inclusion and reflection of diversity within the media, MDI has started the project “Promoting Freedom of Expression, Diversity and Inclusion in Morocco”.
This project has started in June 2013 and it represents the continuation of MDI’s involvement in promoting inclusive and diverse media in Morocco.
The new phase of MDI’s work through the project “Promoting Freedom of Expression, Diversity and Inclusion in Morocco” is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) and it will be running until 2016.
The purpose of this project is to help inclusive media in the country to flourish and diversity of Moroccan society to be embraced and reflected in what people read, watch and hear.
Over three years, MDI and local partners in Morocco will provide debate among key stakeholders and influential decision-makers on media and diversity, cement inclusive journalism in the media sector through training, policy work and commissioning, and build civil society organisations’ ability to carry out media advocacy campaigns.
“Initiating a change in behaviour in the media is a long process, and needs a multi-level approach that addresses skills, policy and legislative frameworks and an enabling environment”, states MDI’s Development Director, Naomi Love.
The programme will include the production of 10 Television or radio debates on the importance of inclusion and diversity in the media, in the context of the constitutional reform process and subsequent legislative discussions. 40 audio diaries will also been produced, giving voice to a wide range of people from throughout Moroccan society, focussing on marginalised and seldom-heard groups.
Furthermore, 80 journalists will receive training on how to report inclusively and accurately on the diversity of society, and 48 civil society organisations will learn how to use digital communications to get the voices of their constituents hear more effectively.
MDI will also support 10 human rights civil society organisations to conduct effective communications and media advocacy campaigns; and equip 16 activists from marginalised groups with the skills to understand the links between diversity and inclusion, and take an active role in the debate on freedom of expression in the context of media reform.