CIVIS Media Prize 2018

Deadline: 20 January 2018

Region: EU and Switzerland

CIVIS_2018CIVIS Media Foundation is calling applicants for CIVIS Media Prize 2018 to send their best radio, film and TV programmes as well as websites and webvideos on the theme of integration and cultural diversity. Closing date to apply for CIVIS Media Prize is 20 January 2018, while conditions of participation can be found here.

Production companies may directly submit to the competition. Webvideos on integration and cultural diversity may be submitted by residents of the European Union and Switzerland.

CIVIS announced that “it recognizes programme contributions on the radio, film, television and the Internet, which are particularly suitable for the promotion of the peaceful coexistence of people of different geographic or cultural backgrounds”. There will be CIVIS Special Prize “Football and Integration” for programmes on TV and the internet, as well as radio programmes in the German-language.