8 March 2019
Country: Global
Today Media Diversity Institute is demanding a #BalanceForBetter—better gender equality to create better, more representative media and a better working world.
On International Women’s Day, we are once again reminded of the numerous ways that female journalists are victims of sexism. Almost one third of female journalists leave the profession, due to threats, intimidation, or attacks that they endure, because of their work. For women of colour, these threats are often even worse, and even more damaging. One of the most extreme recent examples of this was the #LigueDuLOL in France—an injustice that is hopefully being addressed at long last.We have also recently stressed the importance of newsroom diversity, and the ways that female media-makers are hindered from being recognized for awards. While social media can be a space that female journalists—and particularly female journalists of colour—can find their voice, it is hard to find a financial model that sustains this as a profession. In the end, we need media outlets and news organizations to do better at hiring a diverse, and wide range of representative voices.
This International Women’s Day, we are highlighting how media leaders are setting clear gender equality policies in the media to promote a culture of safety within the workplace. To follow the campaign on social media, check out the hashtags #balanceournews and #womeninthenews—and call out the fact that the current gender balance of men to women in news is an abysmal 1:3.
Free Press Unlimited is also highlighting the importance of gender equality in the media, showing solidarity with women working in the media sector. Follow their campaign: #M4W19.
International Federation for Journalists is also highlighting both the numerous struggles that women face working in the media sector and their numerous contributions organizing within labour unions. The hashtags are #8March and #WomenNow.
For a full statement on female journalists’ safety—cosigned with EFJ, FPU, FOJO, Foundation Hirondelle, IFJ, IMS and WAN-IRFA, click here.