Deadline: 25 May 2013
Region: Euro-Mediterranean
The Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Institute of the Mediterranean have launched the sixth edition of the international competition of short stories and tales “A Sea of Words”.
The contest is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years old from the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area. The participants will need to write stories or short stories focusing on solidarity and citizenship issues that show different sensibilities and realities lived at the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The works must address issues related to intercultural dialogue, mainly of a political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental nature. They must be original and wholly unpublished works and not exceed the maximum length of 2,500 words.
The deadline for submissions is 25th May 2003 at midnight.
The winners of the best 15 stories will be awarded with the publication of their work and will participate in a forum of debate on the issues covered and their literary quality, which will be complemented with other cultural activities.
Over 250 people participated in this competition last year, writing stories on Youth Future and the Dialogue between Generations. Katja Knezevic from Croatia was the winner of the 5th“A Sea of Words” contest with ‘Invisible Mother’.
More information is available here.