Eliav-Sartawi Awards for Middle East Journalism 2009

Posted: 15 October 2009

Region: Middle East

Here you can find the links to the winning articles of the 2009 Eliav-Sartawi Awards for Middle East Journalism. The Award takes is  name from two courageous pioneers of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue: Dr Issam Sartawi – who was assassinated while participating in the building of the peace process – and Lova Eliav – who has been active in Israeli politics and diplomacy ever since the founding of the state. The main objective of the awards is to celebrate journalism that contributes to better understanding between people in the Middle East

Winner articles:

A Palestinian remembers the Holocaust:


Human tragedy as a catalyst for change:


The loneliest man in the world:




General Awards website: http://www.sfcg.org/sfcg/sfcg_cgawards_me.html