EuroMed Forum for cultural diplomacy in Rhodes island

Deadline: April 5, 2010

Location: Rodhes (Greece)

From May 11th to May 14th 2010 on the Greek island of Rhodes, the Chios Institute for Mediterranean Affairs (CIMA), in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) and the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean, will organise the first Euro-Mediterranean Forum for Cultural Diplomacy.

The Euro-Mediterranean Forum for Cultural Diplomacy aspires to be the place where theory and practice meet, where proposals become projects and where projects become reality. To this aim, participants will interact with distinguished academics and practitioners with first-hand experience of cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The Euro-Mediterranean Forum aims at fostering an interdisciplinary approach to Cultural Diplomacy and its potential impact on the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Participants will therefore be selected from a variety of backgrounds: journalists, NGO and union activists, students, representatives from the academic world as well as young professionals.

The fee for the Euro-Mediterranean Forum is EUR 200 for EU citizens and EUR 150 for non-EU citizens. This covers accommodation for 5 nights, meals for the 4 Forum days, as well as transport from and to the airport on arrival and departure days. Participants who wish to arrive earlier or to leave later will benefit from preferential prices thanks to our cooperation agreements with local partners.

We invite graduates and young professionals with a keen interest in Cultural Diplomacy and in Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation to submit a proposal in one of the two tracks:

1 – Academic Track

2 – Practitioner Track

Please, check the website below for more details.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

– the framework of cooperation: the Barcelona Process, the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean;

– North-South and South-South regional cooperation;

– the definition of priorities for the political dialogue;

– the political economy of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation;

– cultural diplomacy and civil society dialogue;

– civil society cooperation and the role of NGOs;

– journalism in the Mediterranean;

– the role of states and civil societies in the Northern and Southern Mediterranean;

– the role of universities and exchange programmes;

– definition, criticism and added-value of the concept of Cultural Diplomacy;

– cross-border cooperation at the basin level;

– hard power and soft power in the Mediterranean;

– regional development;

– sustainable tourism;

– environment and management of natural resources;

– education and professional training.

Deadline for proposal submission is April 5th 2010. Selected participants will be notified by April 10th 2010.

Proposals can be submitted electronically to or via mail to the following address:

Mathieu Rousselin

Chair of European Politics

Bodanstrasse 8



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