Free Online Advocacy Course

Deadline: 1 February

Region: MENA (Middle East & North Africa)

MRGI_Minority Rigths Group International announces a new online, free advocacy training programme on minority rights, freedom of religion, regional and international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and advocacy strategies, running from February – April, 2014.

Eligible participants are staff members of human rights NGOs, journalists and activists for religious minority rights from the Middle East and North Africa region.


The course can be either attended in English or Arabic and it will include the following thematics:

– Minority rights
– UN mechanisms
– Human rights campaigning
– Introduction to using media for campaigns
– Gender & minority rights
– Religious minorities

Deadline for submitting your application is 1st of February.

Late applicants will be considered for future sessions. Selected participants are then eligible to take part in further training and networking activities, regionally, and at the UN level in Geneva.

Apply through MRGI website, here.