MDI and Chada FM – a Partnership for Diversity

Dates: 20 – 23 November 2013

Region: UK, London

moroccans_bbc_november_7The Media Diversity Institute organised a study tour to London for representatives of one its partners in Morocco – Chada FM. During this visit to London, the continuation of the partnership between one of the biggest commercial radio stations in Morocco and MDI was discussed.

Journalists, editors and the owner of this leading commercial radio station visited BBC Arabic, Spectrum Radio and discussed implementation of a Diversity Charter, as well as an audio diaries project as a way of giving a voice to unheard, ordinary Moroccans.

Presenting the plans to broadcast 40 audio diaries on many issues concerning Moroccan society, MDI Executive Director Milica Pesic said that one of the most important issues tackled in this form of radio journalism will be education. This project will give a voice to Moroccans to express themselves on a whole set of issues such as immigration, unemployment, diversity and many other things.

Another aspect of the cooperation between MDI and Chada FM is the Diversity Charter project. This document was developed by MDI in cooperation with experts in Morocco. Chada FM was one of the first media outlets in Morocco to sign this document and to commit itself to its implementation.  Putting the Diversity Charter into practice will be one of the objectives of the future cooperation between MDI and Chada FM.


“We are very pleased to be partners with the biggest commercial radio station in Morocco, Chada FM, and we are looking forward to discuss and to develop the new forms of our partnership”, said MDI’s Milica Pesic introducing the new phase of cooperation.

Eight Chada FM journalists and editors expressed a great interest in the concept of multiculturalism and media diversity in the UK, but they were also interested in the functioning of a commercial radio station such as Spectrum Radio in London.

The MDI guests from Morocco asked their peers at the BBC and Spectrum Radio, as well as their hosts, how the Western media is dealing with its audience, challenges of a digital age and different ethnical and cultural issues.

The partnership with Chada FM is part of the project “Promoting Freedom of Expression, Diversity and Inclusion in Morocco”, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), which will run until 2016.