MDI “Strengthening Media Freedom” in Serbia

Published: 12 November 2013

Country: Serbia

serbian newspapersThe Media Diversity Institute (MDI), as a partner in a consortium led by EPTISA, has been awarded the European Union funded project named “Strengthening Media Freedom”. In the next two years MDI, EPTISA Regional Office for Southeast Europe and Zivkovic-Samardzic Law Office will support the efforts of the Serbian Government in the harmonisation of the legal framework governing the media sector and in the enhancement of the competences of journalists and media professionals.

MDI’s work on promoting professionalism in journalism, inclusiveness and diversity in media through various training programmes, conferences and publications, has been recognised as necessary in enforcing the freedom of expression and applying the EU and the Council of Europe’s standards in the field of media.

The IPA Programme for the Republic of Serbia identified freedom of expression and the professionalisation of media as a cross-cutting intervention and, as a result, the Delegation of the European Union allocated funds to ensure the application of the EU and Council of Europe’s standards in this specific sector.

After being awarded the EU-funded project, MDI’s and EPTISA’s experts, as well as the legal experts from Zivkovic-Samardzic Law Office, will provide technical assistance to the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information, to the relevant regulatory bodies, to journalists’ associations and media professionals, and to judges and prosecutors in further developing media-related legislation and in the implementation of the Media Strategy and Action Plan.

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