MDI launches School and Colleges of Sanctuary

Date: 27 September 2012

Country: UK, Bristol

twinning_bristolMedia Diversity Institute (MDI) in partnership with Bristol City of Sanctuary will be launching a new initiative, Schools and Colleges of Sanctuary. MDI is a part of the movement of people and organisations which are committed to create safe and welcoming place for people whose lives were in danger in their own country. A School or College of Sanctuary which will be launched on Thursday, 27th of September, will help its students, staff and wider community to under­stand what it means to be seeking sanctuary from war and prosecution, and to ex­tend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community.

In this context MDI will promote twinning amongst European local authorities by focusing on the establishment of committees of citizens, who will be responsible for the promotion of twinning, and aligning our intervention methodology with EU priorities. As the project objective is to help facilitate the integration, intercultural dialogue and active citizenship among European countries, MDI will raise awareness about the role of twinning in the integration process by promoting twinning amongst different cities in Britain.

In March 2011 Bristol was awarded City of Sanctuary status.

In the event on 27th of September in the City Academy in Bristol, the Guest of Honour will be Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Bristol, Mary Prior. Other speakers will include Gill Kelly, Principal of the City Academy, local MP’s and other representatives. The performances from the musicians from Tibet and Zimbabwe are also announced.

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