Keywords: All Regions, Balkans, English, Albanian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Diversity in General, Journalism, Guide, Media Ethics, Print Media, Training Materials.
This Media Diversity Institute manual provides instructions and advice for journalists on how to avoid stereotypes and report responsibly on diversity, without spreading hate speech or prejudices. The manual includes sections on ethnicity, religion, gender, people with disabilities, socially disadvantaged groups, elderly people, refugees, sexual orientation, and political dissidents. Each section contains reporting tips and detailed analysis of concrete examples from the print media (taken from newspapers from South East Europe, Western Europe and the US). Training modules are also included. Published by MDI in 2002.
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(Also available in Albanian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian)
Reporting Diversity Manual – Balkan [EN].pdf
Reporting Diversity Manual [SQ].pdf
Reporting Diversity Manual [SR-BS-HR].pdf