New Issue of Bristol Globe: The Magazine that Celebrates Bristol’s Diversity


Posted: 29 June 2012

Region: UK

The second edition of ‘Bristol Globe’ is out now! The magazine is the publication from Bristol City of Sanctuary (BCoS), an organisation that works to welcome refugees and asylum seekers to the city of Bristol.

Bristol Globe seeks to outline the diverse nature of Bristol as a community, informing local residents of the plethora of cultures and backgrounds that collectively contribute towards the city’s vibrancy. The magazine celebrates the people and things that bring life to Bristol, sharing lifestyles, ambitions and achievements in the process.

This edition highlights some of the achievements of BCoS in the city and around the country since last year’s launch of Bristol as a ‘City of Sanctuary’. The organisation continually raises awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers in the city and garners support from other local organisations, individuals and businesses. The intention is to create a welcome, secure and safe environment for those escaping persecution elsewhere.

Also outlined are the future tasks of BCoS in the year ahead. Of particular importance will be the development of ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ – where positive attitudes towards diversity will be increasingly promoted in schools, as well as the cultivation of a nation-wide City of Sanctuary movement.

To read the new edition of Bristol Globe click here.