New Project, Countering Cyberbulllying Around the World

12 August 2019

Country: Global

Screen_Shot_2019-08-09_at_10.44.15_AMThe Media Diversity Institute Global (MDI Global) is excited to announce FACE, a new project which aims to counter cyberbullying amongst young people.

The project, whose acronym stands for Fighting Against Cyberbullying & Exclusion will develop guidelines, materials, networks and multidisciplinary artistic approaches equip parents, youth workers and students to address the issue in their communities.

We developed FACE in response to the rise of cyberbullying and its extreme negative impacts. Earlier this year, the UK’s communications regulator OFCOM found that one in four children experienced a form of online abuse in 2018. Furthermore, they found that 80% of children surveyed said they were involved in a “potentially harmful online experience.”An increase in awareness amongst educators, parents and young people must take place in order to start tackling this problem. FACE recognises the lack of knowledge and tools on how to handle cyberbullying, and aims to fill this gap by working with a variety of stakeholder including youth workers, students, parents and local authorities.

The project is being coordinated by the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) and is comprised of an international group of partners. Besides MDI Global, the partners include Associazione Cittadini Digitali (Italy), GLAFKA (Czech Republic), KITEV Kultur im Turm (Germany), INFODEF (Spain), SOS MALTA (Malta), VEJLE (Denmark), and EMESSE (Morocco). The duration of the project is 2 years, from March 2019 to February 2021. It is co-financed by Erasmus+.

To stay updated on the developments of the FACE project, you can visit the website here. Additionally, you can also sign up to the newsletter to get monthly updates right in your inbox. Don’t forget to the #LETSFACEUP on Facebook and Instagram to watch the conversation unfold live, and add your insights and experiences.