Prix Europa IRIS 2011 – Final call for entries

prixeuDeadline: 1 July 2011

Region: Worldwide

Final call for entries for the Europa IRIS 2011 media award for multicultural TV programmes, which recognises the best European TV and radio programmes and internet productions every year, will close on 1 July 2011.

In October 2011 the 6,000 euro prize will be awarded at the Prix Europa in Berlin, the prestigious media festival held from 22 to 29 October 2011.

IRIS invites programmes that deal explicitly with the divers, multicultural character of European societies.

Programmes dealing with: migration issues; refugees; illegality; fortress Europe; history of migration; the position of minorities; ethnic conflicts; racism/anti-racism; position of Roma people; Islam in Europe; second and third generation of migrants; integration of minorities; regional minorities; the coexistence and/or clashes of religions etc., etc.

Programmes for IRIS can be fiction – TV drama, episodes from series, comedy, entertainment or non-fiction – documentaries, reportages, magazines, talk shows, and there is no minimum length requirement.

Programmes for IRIS (as for all other award categories of the Prix Europa) can be entered until 1 July 2010 by sending 3 DVD-PAL copies – preferably English subtitled – the registration forms, and other required material to the Prix Europa Competition Office in Berlin.

More details and on- line registration forms and information about the regulations for submissions and the festival itself can be found at the PRIX EUROPA-website.