A study of the media diversity situation in Indonesia to make an assessment as to whether MDI’s work would be useful and cost-effective in that country. If the assessment indicates that MDI can play an effective and meaningful role in Indonesia, further consultation with potential beneficiaries will culminate in the preparation of a media diversity project for the region. The aims of this project is to find out what are the media diversity issues and problems if any that need to be addressed in Indonesia, to invite the people there to give their solutions to those problems and to talk to people about solutions that MDI and others have tried in other places and found out if it could be relevant to Indonesia. The project will take place in two or three phases: research, consultation and project preparation.
Region/country: Indonesia
Timeframe/dates: Ongoing from 2004
Funder: The Open Society Institute
Partners: Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (Jakarta)