This project will support rural and disadvantaged groups to comment on important issues in South Sudan by ensuring that their voice will be heard in mainstream Sudanese newspapers.
During the project, MDI and the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) will produce 15 monthly supplements titled The People’s Voice, telling the stories of ordinary people and giving their views on issues that are important to them. The People’s Voice will be inserted into major South Sudanese Newspapers.The South Sudanese elite have little access to information on the problems of ordinary people especially in rural areas, and therefore The People’s Voice will be powerful tool in bringing those problems to the attention of the elite, developing regional debate and holding those in power to account. Roundtable discussions with government officials will also be held to analyse issues of government accountability in relation to the rural public, as well as the challenges facing the Government of South Sudan and the media.
MDI will work with UJOSS to set up and train a team of journalists to gather the news stories. The journalists will then spend 15 months looking at government policy and laws, and asking rural communities to comment on what they need to significantly improve their lives.
While implementing the project, MDI will also work to strengthen the capacity of UJOSS to serve as a effective union for journalists in South Sudan.
Region/country: South Sudan
Timeframe/dates: 2010 – 2012
Funder: European Commission, European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), Country-Based Support Scheme (CBSS)
Partners: Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS)
For more information on the project and to see the latest edition of The People’s Voice, visit the project webspace