Keywords: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South East Europe, All European, English, projects and initiatives, diversity, media ethics and diversity, training/education materials, other web resources, online, print
Online/More Colour in the media is the European website on minorities and the media. Online/More Colour in the Media (OL/MCM) is a network of NGO’s, broadcasters, training institutes and researchers, set up to improve the representation of ethnic minorities in broadcasting. The Online/More Colour in the Media have a database with news and resources about media and minorities, very similar to the Media Diversity Institute Database. Though the focus here is only on Europe. In the database much information can be found on media and minorities. Conferences, workshops and seminars related to the subject of media and diversity. Resources on diversity in public broadcasting, Islamophobia, good practises on minorities, issues of cultural diversity. Different kinds of multicultural media like networks, projects, events, newspaper, radio and television stations, programmes, productions. But also web-journals, e-zines, news agencies, research sources and other relevant publications, training and employment resources; all regarding to media and diversity. Furthermore there can be information found about prizes, awards and funding related to media and minorities.
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