Keywords: International, English, German, media, gender, politics
Given the fact that media give less airtime to women than to men in politics and present them in different way, the toolkit “Portraying Politics” sets out to analyse production patterns and professional routines that result in gender based differences. It challenges journalists and programme-makers to reflect on the way they currently do things, and to think creatively about new possibilities. The toolkit contends that fair gender portrayal is a professional criterion like any other – balance, diversity, clarity and so on. It also aims to demonstrate that when attention is paid to gender during the production process, the pay-off is a richer and a more innovative output that will appeal to a wider audience.
The material is organized in 8 modules, each of which deals with a different aspect of gender, politics and media: 1. Invisible Women, 2. Appropriate Issues, 3. Married With Children?, 4. Emotion and Politics, 5. Framing the Message, 6. Behind the Scenes, 7. Think Again!, 8. Thinking Further.
The toolkit is available in English and German.