Keywords: Western Europe, Germany, German, children, education, TV, online, study, report, media literacy, resource for all, print, online
Media world and can make a big impact on society in the prevailing concepts of “strangers” and “stranger” take. Children are particularly susceptible to action models and role models to them, for example, the TV offers. Claudia Bulut analyzed in her dissertation the ZDF Fersehspielreihe Karfunkel the 1991 to 1993 was broadcast. Karfunkel turned to the rarely considered foreign children living in Germany. They tried not only the series model to provide role models but ventured in, through the identification of exemplary protagonists, to the elimination of stereotyped prejudices approached. Whether and how you succeed, the author investigated by means of film analysis based on selected sequences.
Representation of the Stranger in children’s TV [DE].pdf