Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.
Ethics Teaching Tools: Resolving Ethical Conflicts in Wartime by the S...
Keywords: International, English, Peace Journalism, ethics, war, ethnicity, IDPs, all media formats, resources for media, resources for trainers List of …
Diversity Bibliography
Keywords: International, English, journalism, diversity, guide, links, education, all media formats, resources for all, civil society organizations List of relevant …
The American Muslim Teenager’s Handbook
Keywords: North America, USA, English, Religion, Children, youth, Muslim, Islam, handbook, guide, all media formats, resources for all, all organizations …
About MDI Detailed
What do we do? The Media Diversity Institute (MDI) works internationally to encourage and facilitate responsible media coverage of diversity. …
Awards for US journalists who increase public awareness of aging issue... Keywords: North America, USA, English, age, award. Each year the American Society on Aging offers awards to national and …
Search Resources
There are 4 different ways to search the resources database: Using the ‘Keyword Search’ to search for any word(s) you …
Media Guide on Sex & Reproductive Health in the Middle East and N...
Keywords:International, Middle East, Africa, Maghreb, English, media, reporting, Health, sex, HIV, Aids, guide, handbook, journalism, all media formats, all organizations …
Reporting on Population, Health and the Environment – Central Americ...
Keywords: International, Central America, English, Spanish, reporting, guide, handbook, environment, minorities, journalism, methodology, health, youth, older people, socially disadvantaged groups, …
Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives
Keywords: International, English, guide, handbook, diversity in general, media development, financial, economy, business, economic, methodology, media, reporting, community media, citizen …
How Media Companies can use Affinity Groups to Promote Diversity
Keywords: International, North America, USA, English, guide, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, diversity in general, business, indicator, media diversity, education, workshop, …