Studies on media coverage of ethnicity and religion in the EU

tv1Published:  March 24 2011

Countries: UK, Denmark, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy, Hungary, Greece, France & Germany

The Media Diversity Institute (MDI), in partnership with Article 19, is producing two studies; one analyzing media coverage of ethnicity; and the other, media coverage of religion. Based on extensive interviews with print, broadcast and online editors and journalists in Denmark, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy, the UK, Hungary, Greece, France and Germany, and analysis of a selected number of case studies, the studies aim to address three key questions:


  • What is the level of journalists’ awareness of legislation against discrimination and how it can be improved?
  • What are the professional norms and values in reporting on ethnicity/religion and what has to be done to strengthen journalism standards when reporting on ethnicity and religion?
  • What are the examples of journalism practice that could be usefully elucidated in order to breakdown prejudices, tackle discrimination, endorse common values and provide independent and trustworthy information?

The studies will provide recommendations useful for the media, civil society and policy makers, and are due to be published in May 2012.

They are one of the components of the ‘Ethical Journalism Initiative: a campaign to fight racism and discrimination through freedom of expression and the highest professional standards of journalism’.

MDI is partnering on the EJI initiative with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Article 19, the Lithuanian Journalists’ Union (LZS), the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia & Thrace (ESIEMTH) and the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists (SSN).

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