MDI Supports Programme on Leading Egyptian TV

Date: 2 March 2013

Region: Egypt

egypt tv showThe first episode of “Awel el Khait”, TV programme which is a combination of investigative journalism forms and a talk show, was aired on 2 March 2013 on Egyptian ONTV. “Awel el Khait” (“The beginning of a String”) will be on programme every first Saturday of every month from 7pm.

The first episode explored why the Egyptian government is not self-sufficient in a production of wheat.

This topic was discussed in the presence of the guest in TV studio such as  Salah Moawad – President of pursue agricultural services at the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Reda Agag – Advisor of bread file in Presidency, Dr.  Ayman Abdel Halim – Responsible for bank risk management – Bank of Development and Agricultural Credit and Mr. Mohammed Faraj – Farmers.

“Awel Elkheit” is supported by the initiation “E’lamak – Your media” for developing media service and by Media Diversity Institute (MDI).

MDI has contributed to the TV programme by providing training and technical support as part of a project “Rebuilding Post-revolution Egyptian Media: EMBRACING FREE EXPRESSION, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVENESS” funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

This program “Awel Elkheit” on ONTV is produced by Ali Beliel Media Production and Consulting.

The programme sheds a light on the negligence and corruption in the most important social and economic issues and political problems facing the community and affects the daily life of the Egyptian citizens.

“Awel el Kheet” also addresses the problems of the marginalized groups and minorities in Egyptian society.

It is presented by Lina Ghadban who previously worked as a reporter for Al-Jazeera in Egypt. Lena began her media career as a prelude programs in the International “Nile TV” channel of the Egyptian television in 1996. She also worked in the field of teaching at Adham Center for Journalism in television AUC in Egypt which got her a master’s degree in television journalism.

“Awel el Kheet” program takes into account in production and implementation the high-quality production standards in terms of photography, directing and editing along with taking into account the professional journalistic standards in terms of accuracy in the information and sources.