Published: 7 April 2011
Country: South Sudan
On April 6 2011, members of the Executive of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS), headed by Chairperson Oliver Modi, met the Minister of Information and Broadcasting in the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin, in the Ministry of Information office. This was the first meeting UJOSS held with the Minister since the newly elected Executive resumed office last November. The purpose of the meeting was to brief the minister on UJOSS activities since its formation in 2004, and to discuss UJOSS achievements and challenges, its way forward, relations with local and international partners and future plans. The meeting was successful and the Minister expressed his appreciation of UJOSS efforts to establish a functional media in South Sudan.
The Minister also said that the government of South Sudan is willing to support independent media that respect media law and ethics, and the norms and principles of ethical journalism. He added that UJOSS should continue with their activities in the ten states without hindrance.
“Before the birth of our new nation, the media laws will be passed by the government,” Barnaba concluded.