The European Jewish Muslim Co-operation Platform

Keywords: Westen Europe, Eastern Europe, South East Europe, All Europe, other web resources, projects and initiatives.


The European Jewish Muslim co-operation Platform facilitates co-operation, dialogue and partnership between Jewish and Muslim communities at local, national and trans-national levels within Europe; Increases the visibility of and empowers existing Jewish Muslim initiatives; Initiates and promotes new opportunities for dialogue and co-operation between Jewish and Muslim communities.

Why? Jewish and Muslim people have a strong common religious and historical base, whilst living in a predominantly Christian society where all share equal rights and status. Judaism and Islam need not be on a ‘collision course’ and could complement the cultural and spiritual thinking of European societies, instead of confronting each other in the shadow of the Middle East conflict. Both Jews and Muslims have suffered discrimination in the forms of anti-Semitism and islamophobia. This shared experience could be used for mutual support of victims and to increase the pressure to prevent it. Supporting direct contact between communities is an essential step to create enduring good relations between these two cultures in Europe. Much good work is already going on at local level. These projects need to be celebrated and the good practice shared.