
Training: Helping Journalists Make Youth Voices Mainstream
Training: 27 – 29 February 2020 Country: Serbia Youth rarely feel represented in the media, and youth from marginalised communities …

Religion in the Balkan Media Landscape: Forgotten Nuance
By Jelena Jorgačević Kisić As Serbian journalist Borivoj Erdeljan mentioned in the recent debate about the Churches under Communism in former Yugoslavia, …

MLADI: “Youth in the Media Mirror”
By: Ivana Jelača In Serbia, youth portals are the most likely to report about marginalised communities, and include more women …

How Does Serbian Media Cover Awards?
This year the Council of Europe’s “Vaclav Havel” award for human rights has been awarded to Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR). The Youth Initiative for Human Rights is a network of organisations working in Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia on h...

Challenging the Sexist Serbian Media
By: Ivana Jovanovic If someone is familiar with Serbian media, it is likely no surprise that women are most likely …

Training: Digital Media Skills for Serbian Youth
Media Diversity Institute recently completed the first MLADI (Media Literacy Alliance and Digital Importance) training in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. It …